Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Guanajuato, Mex - Bus Travel

An interesting change to Mexican bus travel the wife has brought to my attention recently.
Their security measures now include taking a video of you and your passport (opened at the photo page) so be prepared for that.
Primera Plus is a bus line we've used a lot through the years. It is one of the best lines with ETN being the other slightly more expensive.

The formerly safe bus system in this country has taken enough hits by highway robbers that his security measure has finally come into being and not soon enough, if you ask me.

The wife and I had an incident on another "budget line" that I reported on this blog in which the drivers tried to put the "Rich Americans" (us!) off the bus in the middle of nowhere so their robbing friends could roll us leaving us in a ditch broken and bloodied.

This happened to a Canadian couple recently which I also reported in this blog.

Probably the vast majority of Gringlandians know nothing of this since they travel mostly by car.

Well, car travel is not going so hot either. Some good friends, you might even call them as close as family, hit an extortion snag on their way to the States in the last two weeks. I will report more later on this.

Gringos defiantly say (see the Gto_list) they would refuse to pay an extortion attempt on the principle of their thing. How very liberal of you, I say.

I wonder how far that would gotten the Canadian couple who were forced out of their camper, robbed blind, and made to lay in a ditch in the dirt until the robbers made off with their belongings?

A SHOT TO THE HEAD, I would wager.

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