Saturday, April 10, 2010

Guanajauato, Mex -- I Love The Ducks

Guanajuato has ducks. I am not sure just how many ducks or patos. But, they have them and in abundance at the Presa de la Olla. In case you don't know to where I am referring, it is a body or water that we would call a reservoir. And at this Presa or reservoir is a flock of ducks of the white variety.

They are funky little things that do have some other species mixed in with them. You can see a pair of mallards every now and then and evidence that some of the mallards have been dinking around with the white ones producing mixed breeds.

Other than the bread crumbs the locals bring to feed them, I am not sure what they eat from the wild other than the green slime that collects in little alcoves. It looks like the Creature from the Green Lagoon will arise in a murderous rage out of this emerald muck complete with blood dripping fangs and this is what the ducks eat as far as I can tell. I do not think this is a good thing.

One of the caretakers of the Presa told me when I inquired that the ducks lay eggs but rarely, if ever, hatch. I have watched them, sometimes for hours, sit on their eggs and attend them tirelessly but never, at least not yet, seen any baby ducks. Mutations? They lay eggs but do not hatch. It has to be something that the eat, like green slime.

Anyway...the ducks are in danger.

In the March 12, 2010 of El Correo, a story appeared titled, "Endangered Ducks". Apparently, the Presa de la Olla is scheduled to be renovated and the ducks are in the way of progress.

"On Monday begin the rehabilitation of the Presa de la Olla and the administration has not said what will happen with the ducks that inhabit the reservoir." (Source)

So, the funky little duck's future is up in the air.

I will report more when I know more.


Crimes and misdemeanors: Staying safe in San Miguel
Is SMA still safe, or falling prey to drug dealers and thugs?

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August 11, 2009

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