Tuesday, October 28, 2008


To promote my newest book,


I want to make you an offer that, hopefully (oh please, oh please!!) you can't refuse.

All you have to do is CLICK HERE to go to the order page of the Special Release Edition of the book, buy it, email me at expatriate03 @ yahoo.com the credit card or the LuLu.com receipt and I will send you, absolutely FREE, the following ebooks:

1. Learn How To Learn Spanish - In this book I tell you how to overcome the traditional methods of language learning that don't work. I show you what works.

2. Guanajuato, Mexico:Your Expat, Study Abroad, and Vacation Survival Manual in the Land of Frogs - A very different expat guide in which I take to task the "Gringolandias" of Mexico and how the Gringos affect the culture. Read Here what Bruce Drake (Washington,DC) Former Editor with NPR News says about this title and our first book THE PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT LIVING IN MEXICO.

3. Sustainable Expatriatism This title will show you how to have the least impact on culture when moving to Mexico.

So, all you do is buy my Travelogue, A WALK THROUGH MEXICO'S CROWN JEWEL: A Guanajuato Travelogue, send me the receipt, and I will email you these books in the PDF book editions.


Doug Bower

email: expatriate03 @ yahoo.com

(To prevent email spamming you will have to copy and paste the email address into your email client and then remove the spaces between the "@".)

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