Friday, July 9, 2010

Guanajuato, Mex - Women Suffer Violence

Here is another fact the Gringolandians in Guanajuato selling real estate and who have rentals don't want you to know. In a situation assessment conducted in 2009, 6 out of 10 women suffer some form of violence in the municipality of Guanajuato. Another line of the study revealed that 52% of the households in Guanajuato have women head of household.

My point in reporting this is that Gringos, almost always, move here based on a fantasy. Websites talk of living in Mexico will use phrases like, "It's heaven on earth," "Come live in Nirvana," "Experience the magic of Guanajuato," or whatever. These sites are generally real estates website trying to sell you a house or some other service pertaining to expatriation.

Putting in nicely, they have a bias.



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