Monday, May 3, 2010

Guanajuato Tourist Report

Guanajuato, Mexico -- I really didn't know what to title this blog entry since I wanted to write about several issues. And, if this entry threatens your delusions of Mexico being "Heaven On Earth," I am sorry (Not really!)

1) When you come to Guanajuato you will most certainly want to see the historic churches. One such church is the "Compañía" which is just a stone's throw from the Jardin and across from the Post Office. Make sure to note when visiting the bullet holes that some made with a rifle on the 25th of April. Someone thought it appropriate to shoot up the church and damaging windows. No one was ever caught so be sure to duck when you hear rifle shots just in case they come back for a repeat performance. -- El Correo Newspaper

2) In the area where the English Bookstore and the Diego Rivera Museum are located, Positos, you might want to avoid walking up some of the callejones. The El Correo newspaper reporter, Iván Rodríguez reported in Sunday's edition that the callejones Moyas, Santo Niño y Cinco Señores are, and I quote, "Full of trash, dead animals, and drug paraphernalia." -- Ibid

Rodríguez goes on to say,

"Several streets in the area of Positos, evidencing garbage and dying animals crawling, and being used as toilets. Even the locals have complained to the authorities but no response." -- Ibid

3) In this same stretch of callejones, crime is not only rampant but "growing." Rodríguez writes:

"Repeatedly there have been reports of several attacks on callejon Positos, and three other nearby streets are used by criminals to escape the police.

Neighbors of the three callejones of Santo Nino, Moyas and Five Lords, noted that primarily acts of vandalism and crime, are generated on Fridays and Saturdays, as it is then when you generate more conflict in this part of the municipal seat.

"Assaults, fights and painting of walls can be seen on weekends, a notice to the municipal police custody but know perfectly well the alleys, and youth are always the same, some are from other lanes but they come here to do their crimes, "said one interviewee Moyas Alley." --Ibid


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