Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Kidnap law now set to be created


The News

A majority of state legislatures has approved a constitutional amendment that will pave the way for lawmakers to craft a national anti-kidnapping law.
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Gun control debate hangs over violence


Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Members of the U. S. Congress may be alarmed by the surge in Mexican drug violence and its potential to spill across the border, but they grow silent when the talk turns to gun control as a solution........Read Entire Article

'Mexico more urgent than Afghanistan' ... AP/BLOOMBERG NEWS

WASHINGTON - U.S. lawmakers criticized the Defense Department on Tuesday for not making the drug violence in Mexico as big a priority as Afghanistan and for not coordinating U.S. resources to confront it.
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'Atacan a jefe de Seguridad al salir de su casa

En Villagrán, logra repeler la agresión; rastrean por tierra y cielo el Jetta en el que iban los agresores


El coordinador operativo de la Dirección de Seguridad Pública, Antonio Toledo Hexíga, fue víctima de un atentado por parte de un grupo de hombres armados que en varias ocasiones dispararon en su contra cuando salía de su vivienda; este ataque es el segundo que se registra en este municipio en 2009 a elementos de la Policía Preventiva
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